Our Products: Bees, Beekeeping Supplies
Beekeeping and Bee Hive Supplies
Our Hand-Crafted Adirondack Woodware
You can buy the same hand-crafted bee hive boxes used in our apiary. Bee boxes, or hives, are designed to encourage the health of the bee society. It’s also important that it allows the beekeeper to remove the honey from the hive with the least disruption possible. The hive consists of a bottom board, hive body, frames, foundation and cover. The frames with foundation are placed in the body for the bees to store honey, pollen and for the queen to lay eggs. Supers with frames and foundation are added for the bees to store surplus honey and pollen. All joints are glued and hand nailed. All woodware is handcrafted when assembled.
The primary component to any hive is the deep hive body.
We offer assembled deep hive bodies with frames, painted for $70.
Choose between: Wooden frames with wax-coating foundation or plastic frames.
Hive bodies, assembled, without frames, and painted are $30.

Bee Hive Box Components
Bottom board
This is the first section/layer of your bee hive box. It is a flat piece of wood that serves as the base for your super. Bees will come and go from an entrance in the bottom board.
Deep super
The deep super is the large box that the bees build their hive into. It’s the largest section of the bee hive box.
Nuc boxes
Perfect for making early or late splits, transferring colonies or increasing your apiaries size easily.
Duragilt foundation
Plastic bonded, beeswax foundation with metal edges.
New to beekeeping?
We offer a Start-up Kit: $550. Which includes 3 deep hive bodies frames, bottom board, inner cover, outer cover with nucleus colony installed.
Pricing List
South Bay Apiaries has the supplies beekeepers need to build their beehive and start beekeeping today. Wood is treated and primed. Pieces are available painted with two coats of white paint upon request.
- Start-up Kit: $550—Includes 3 deep hive bodies frames included, bottom board, inner cover, outer cover with nucleus colony installed
- Nucleus colonies: $230 (plus $30 box deposit)
- Assembled deep hive body with frames wax coated plastic: $70/Painted $75
- Assembled Wax coated plastic foundation frames: $5
- Assembled Deep or medium hive body (no frames): $25 / Painted $30
- Unassembled deep or medium hive body: $21
- Bottom board: $20 Assembled
- Nucleus boxes: $25 Assembled and primed
- Migratory 5 frame Nucleus colony box: $40 Assembled and painted
- Inner cover: $18 Assembled
- Permadent wax coated foundation: $1.50 per sheet
- Top cover: $30
- Unassembled frames: $14 case of ten (Deep)
- 1lb. glass jars with lids: .40 cents each
- Duragilt foundation: Pack of 10 for $18 (Deep)
- Assembled frames: Pack of 10 for $30 (Deep)
- Mite-Away-Formic Acid treatments: $15
Shipping available for an extra fee. Based on location.
Hive boxes and Nucs are available for delivery and installation. on Long Island.
Contact South Bay Apiaries with any questions at 631-475-8315 or southbayapiaries@outlook.com.
Now accepting orders for the 2025 Bee Season
Italian Bee Package: TBA — Availability around mid-April. Includes nurse bees, forager bees, guard bees, and drone bees.
Bee Nucleus Colony: $230
($230 + $30 Nuc box deposit) $125 deposit is required.
Deposits are being taken for nucleus colonies to be available end of April beginning of May 2025.
Customers have the option to transfer to their own Nuc hive boxes for free. We also now offer delivery and/or transfer of nucs for negotiated fee depending on location.
All nucs are NY State Inspected.
New Bees: TBA — 5 well-developed frame Nucleus colonies are available for early May pickup.
Bees are NYS Dept of Agriculture inspected.
Please order early!
Send deposits/payments to:
129 Ohio Avenue
Medford, NY 11763-2642
(Please include phone number on checks.)
All orders are “first come, first serve basis.”

Our Other Services: Including Swarm Removal & Relocation, Apiary Maintenance
South Bay Apiaries offers swarm retrieval and Honeybee colony removal and relocation. We offer these services often free of charge. Please contact Dale for more information.
Apiary maintenance is also available for customers who are just starting out with bee keeping or that want to be less involved with sustaining their hive but want to enjoy their own local honey. Pollination contracts are also available. Prices are negotiated and based on the size and scope of the labor involved.